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Teddit - Access Reddit without ads and tracking.

Published (last edited on )

Teddit1 is an open source alternative front-end for Reddit. It allows you to access Reddit content without privacy-invading tracking and annoying ads. Subscribing to subreddits is also possible - settings and subscribed subreddits are stored in a cookie (exporting/importing is possible), a Reddit account is not required.

There are several public servers/instances2 available, just pick one from the official list on the website linked below.

The URL structure is simple: just replace “” with the URL of your chosen instance. For example


Alternatively, you can host your own private or public instance.

While I’d love to see more people moving to the Fediverse there still is a lot of good content on Reddit. Teddit is a great way to access said content without being tracked.

Update: Due to the Reddit API changes, Teddit is no longer actively maintained. The public instances are likely showing “error code 429 - too many requests” so you are probably better off using a self-hosted private instance.


  1. Teddit homepage”.

  2. Source code and list of public instances”.